| AAA Turntables  | Precision turntables. |
 | Aardvark Aarts  | Figures, accessories. |
 | Aarons City Trains  | OUT OF BUSINESS Hobby shop |
 | Adirondack Car & Foundry  | OUT OF BUSINESS 2 & 3-Rail, On30 - freight cars, stone roundhouse Kit and modular stone building parts. |
 | AHM  | OUT OF BUSINESS Freight cars |
 | Alco Models  | OUT OF BUSINESS Freight car kits |
 | AM Hobbies  | OUT OF BUSINESS See JD Trains |
 | Ambroid  | OUT OF BUSINESS Freight car kits |
 | Arvid Anderson  | OUT OF BUSINESS Brass freight car kits |
 | Athearn  | OUT OF BUSINESS 2 rail freight trucks, vehicles. |
 | Backwoods Miniatures  | OUT OF BUSINESS Etched and cast kits for powered On3, On30 narrow gauge "criters." |
 | Ballast King  | OUT OF BUSINESS Ballast spreaders, rubber ballast. |
 | Beaver Creek Model Company  | OUT OF BUSINESS O and On3 Brass locos, freight cars, Cabooses and passenger cars |
 | Berlyn Locomotive Works  | OUT OF BUSINESS O and On3 Brass locos, freight cars, Cabooses and passenger cars |
 | Boulder Valley Models  | OUT OF BUSINESS On30 structure kits, logging disconnects, Bachmann Porter tender. |
 | Box Car Ken  | OUT OF BUSINESS Wooden passenger and box dar kits. |
 | Burns Manufacturing  | OUT OF BUSINESS 3 rail - train detectors, sound controller, relays, flashers. |
 | C&BT Shops  | OUT OF BUSINESS On3 3-bay hopper cars for East Broadtop Railroad |
 | Caboose Hobbies  | MERGER A full line hobby shop |
 | Car & Locomotive Shop  | OUT OF BUSINESS O Scale Brass Diesels, Locomotives and Cabooses |
 | Car Works  | OUT OF O SCALE 2 rail - O, On3, On30, & On2 brass locomotives, traction. |
 | Champion Decal Co.  | OUT OF BUSINESS Decals, tools, lettering plan books. |
 | Chooch Enterprises, Inc.  | OUT OF BUSINESS Bridge piers, abutments, tunnel portals, rock walls. Also - Ultra Scale II -- Limited production 2-rail freight cars, parts, cab windows for Atlas SW, structures. |
 | Cresent Locomotive Works, Inc.  | OUT OF BUSINESS We build high quality fully lighted and ready to run O scale railroad buildings and other railroad related equipment. |
 | Elis M. Kliewer  | OUT OF BUSINESS Custom build O scale UP Big boys |
 | Exacta Scale Models  | OUT OF BUSINESS Wooden passenger car kits |
 | Frederick Manufacturing  | OUT OF BUSINESS Brass Flat can kits |
 | Gem models  | OUT OF BUSINESS Brass Steam engines |
 | General Models Corp.  | OUT OF BUSINESS Diesels, locos, freight car kits |
 | Hallmark  | OUT OF BUSINESS Brass Cabooses, Brass EMD FT's, On3 Locos, Passenger car and Cabooses |
 | Harbor Belt Lines  | OUT OF BUSINESS Train show dealer. |
 | Hobby Craft  | OUT OF BUSINESS Pewter figures. |
 | House of Duddy  | OUT OF BUSINESS 2 & 3 rail - 2 rail heavy electric locomotives, pantographs, catenary, standard & P:48 track, Tru-Scale roadbed, structures, parts - O scale dealer. O scale & hi rail |
 | IHP - Imperial Hobby Productions  | OUT OF O SCALE Traction Models. |
 | JC Models  | OUT OF BUSINESS Wooden passenger car kits |
 | JD's Trains  | OUT OF BUSINESS JD's Trains offers full access to the Atlas O Master Series, Atlas O TRAINMAN, MTH, GarGraves, Weaver, Sunset/3rd Rail, Golden Gate Depot, & Z-Stuff product lines. |
 | Jim Hackworth Model Trains  | OUT OF BUSINESS New and Used O Scale Brass |
 | Ken Kidder  | OUT OF BUSINESS Traction Models. |
 | Keystone Locomotive Works  | OUT OF BUSINESS Specializes in logging items and special detail parts. |
 | K-Line  | OUT OF BUSINESS 3-rail - locomotives, cars, track, power supply, structures, accessories, sets. Information about the line can be found at www.legacykline.com |
 | KTM  | OUT OF BUSINESS Brass manufacturer |
 | Lobaugh  | OUT OF BUSINESS Brass locomotive and freight car kits |
 | Max Gray  | OUT OF BUSINESS Importer of Brass Steam locomotives, diesel locomotives and fretight cars |
 | Model Power  | OUT OF BUSINESS Structures, accessories, figures. |
 | Modern Era O Scale  | OUT OF BUSINESS Resin kits of the post 1970 Era |
 | MTS Imports, Inc  | OUT OF BUSINESS Traction Models |
 | Mullet River Modelworks  | OUT OF BUSINESS High end craftsman kits of rolling stock, buildings, accessories, detail parts and trucks. |
 | Multi-Unit  | OUT OF BUSINESS Traction Motors, trucks with motors, Imported some 17/64" |
 | NJ Custom Brass  | OUT OF BUSINESS Brass O, On3,On2 Freight, Passenger Cars, Steam Locos, electircs and Diesels |
 | Old Pullman Model Railroads, Inc.  | OUT OF BUISNESS Scale turnouts and crossings. With Nickel Silver Rail, Ties, Tie Plates, Spikes, Track Gauges, Rail Joiners and more. |
 | Oriental Limited  | OUT OF BUSINESS O Brass diesels, Electrics, Passenger Cars, On3 shays, Cabooses, Freight cars and Steam locos |
 | Pacific Fast Mail  | OUT OF BUSINESS O scale Locomotives and cabooses, On3 Steam |
 | Pacific Limitied  | OUT OF BUSINESS O Scale Brass freight cars |
 | Pecos River Brass  | OUT OF BUSINESS 2 & 3 rail - imported brass locomotives, cars, structures - plastic car kits. 2-rail flex track, ready-tl-use sectional track & switches. Dealer. |
 | Perfection Models  | OUT OF BUSINESS Brass manufacturer |
 | Pittman  | OUT OF BUSINESS Precision power plants, DC motors, Traction |
 | Putnam & Stowe  | OUT OF BUSINESS Brass On2 Locos |
 | QSI Solutions  | OUT OF BUSINESS QSI was and continues to be the industry’s premier pioneer of DCC sound and control technology; as such it is the owner of more DCC patents than all other manufacturers of DCC sound components combined. |
 | Quality Craft Models  | OUT OF BUSINESS Wooden and plastic freight car kits |
 | Ragg's to Riches  | OUT OF O SCALE Laser-cut craftsman kits for model railroads. |
 | Reynolds Railroad Products  | OUT OF BUSINESS Freight Car kits |
 | Sandy River Car Shops  | OUT OF BUSINESS Brass On2 locos |
 | Scale Art Model Services  | OUT OF BUSINESS We are a creative team who build the finest custom model railroads available. Our goal is always to create a piece of scale art that accurately reflects the vision of the client |
 | Sofue Model Works  | OUT OF BUSINESS Brass Steam, Electrics |
 | The All Nation Line  | OUT OF BUSINESS 2 & 3 Rail locomotives, passenger cars, freight cars, traction. |
 | The Back Shop  | OUT OF BUSINESS Brass casting detail parts |
 | The Electric Railroad Company  | OUT OF BUSINESS Specializing in Command Control compatible product design |
 | The Little Showcase Factory  | OUT OF BUSINESS Display cases for all your train needs. |
 | The P Company  | OUT OF BUSINESS Brass Passenger and freight cars |
 | Thomas Industries  | OUT OF BUSINESS Brass tank car kits |
 | Train Craft  | OUT OF BUSINESS Freight Car kits |
 | TrainCat Model Sales  | OUT OF BUSINESS Cantilever Signal bridges |
 | Trains O Scale  | OUT OF BUSINESS Full line hobby shop |
 | US Hobbies  | OUT OF BUSINESS Importer of Brass Steam locomotives, diesel locomotives and fretight cars |
 | W & R Enterprises  | OUT OF BUSINESS O Scale 44 toners and cabooses |
 | W. A. Drake Co.  | OUT OF BUSINESS O Scale Brass Frieght cars |
 | Weaver Models  | OUT OF BUSINESS 2 and 3 rail - locomotives, cars, structures, accessories and sets. |
 | Westbrook  | OUT OF BUSINESS Wooden, cardstock and white metal car kits. |
 | Westside Model Company  | OUT OF BUSINESS O Scale Brass Steam Locomotives |
 | Wright Model Works  | OUT OF BUSINESS Structure Kits, Kit building, Painting and Weathering. |