| American Tie & Timber Company 17086 Trail Ridge Lane Morgan Hill, CA 95037 USA Telephone: 408-940-1533 www.americantieandtimber.com
| Perfect electrical rail gaps. |
 | Bachmann 1400 East Erie Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19124 USA Telephone: 215-533-1600 Fax: 215-744-4699 www.bachmanntrains.com
| Full line O/On30 gauge line of trains, buildings, and people, trees and accessories. Williams, Plasticville, Spectrum. |
 | Caboose Stop Hobbies 301 Main Street Cedar Falls, IA 50613 USA Telephone: 800-642-7012 Fax: 319-277-5465 www.caboosestophobbies.com
| We are a full line hobby shop in all scales. |
 | Coronado Scale Models 1544 East Cypress Street Phoenix, AZ 85006 USA Telephone: 602-254-9656 Fax: 602-254-9656 www.facebook.com/pages/Coronado-Scale-Models/166139956744771
| We serve the needs of fine scale modelers. We are active O" scale modelers having produced some beautiful locomotives and cars. Our shop offers excellent mail order service. |
 | Des Plaines Hobbies 1524 Lee Stree Des Plaines, IL 6018-1517 USA Telephone: 847-297-2118 Fax: 847-297-4976 www.desplaineshobbies.com
| We are a full line hobby shop in all scales. |
 | FastTracks 312-B Street Patrick Street Port Dover, Ontario N0A 1N) Canada Telephone: 888-252-3895 www.handlaidtrack.com
| Switch building jigs and supplies |
 | P & D Hobby Shop 31280 Groesbeck Fraser, MI 48026 USA Telephone: 586-296-6116 Fax: 586-296-5642 www.pdhobbyshop.com
| A full line hobby shop. |
 | Rio Grande Southern Railroad Hobbies 1102 Dyers Road Whitewater, CO 81527 USA Telephone: 970-245-5100 www.rgsrrhobbies.com
| Retail sales, custom electronics and installations. |
 | Rocky Mountain Trains Box 2351 LaCrosse, WI 54602-2351 USA Telephone: 608-386-3076 Fax: www.rockymountaintrains.biz
| On2, On3, On30 Narrow Gauge locos, cars and detail structures etc. |
 | Southwest Narrow Gauge P.O. Box 9987 Phoenix, AZ 85068 USA Telephone: 602-943-7046 Fax: 602-943-1713 www.i-sng.com
| On line store specializing in narrow gauge… ALL Scales. |
 | Trout Creek Engineering, Inc. 12874 Country Road 314B Buena Vista, CO 81211-9102 USA Telephone: 719-395-8076 www.troutcreekeng.co
| Turnouts, crossings, curved turnouts, dual gauge, custom. |
 | Walthers 5601 West Florist Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53201 USA Telephone: 800-487-2467 www.walthers.com
| Structures - railroad, industrial & commercial. Decals. Dealer. |
 | Wiseman Model Services 898 Black's Cross Road Paris, KY 40361 USA Telephone: 859-484-9573 www.wisemanmodelservices.com
| On3 kits, cars, locomotive and many detail castings for all gauges. |